Ciceroniana on line

For some years, the Center for Ciceronian Studies at Rome (CSC, i.e. the Centro di Studi Ciceroniani) and the International Society of Cicero’s Friends at Paris (SIAC, i.e. the Societé Internationale des Amis de Cicéron) have been involved in a collaborative project to digitize and preserve in an online repository all issues of the journal Ciceroniana, which was published from 1959 to 2009.  We are pleased to announce that this work is now complete and that all issues of that journal are now available to be consulted and searched free of charge at the following site:  This address will also serve as the official site for Ciceroniana on Line, a new journal that will replace and continue the activity of the famed paper journal.  The website offers a trilingual interface (Italian, French, and English) and is currently managed by Giovanna Garbarino under the auspices of the CSC and SIAC.

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