The Project

PLuS Stiftung
Ciceroniana On Line
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The Project

The International Society of Friends of Cicero (SIAC) is a scholarly society dedicated to the study of Cicero and Roman thought in all fields: philosophy, literature, history, civilization and heritage. Its project also includes an educational and cultural dimension.

The majority of its members are scholars and teachers of greek and roman studies, but the Society is open to scholars of other disciplines, to individual researchers, and to any interested person. It has been international since its inception. As of March 2022, its membership includes 23 nationalities.

The SIAC is an association under French law (1901 Act). It is managed by a staff of officers designated by the board of directors (composition of the office).

Membership is open to all. Scientific membership is conferred by the staff of officers on delegation from the Scientific Council.

The Advisory Board, composed of 18 internationally renowned specialists, is the guarantor of the scientific quality of the Society’s work (composition of the Advisory Board).

The SIAC is financed by donations, grants, partnerships and membership fees (25 € or 10€ for students). Its expenses cover operating costs, participation in scientific events, and support for researchers, particularly the youngest.

Since 2008, the SIAC has developed several activities.

  • The website: this trilingual website, launched in 2009, is both the communication organ of our society (news, members, membership, minutes, etc.) and a scientific tool. It was renovated in 2022. As such, it offers two particular services: a bibliography and a chronology. The bibliography, regularly expanded and updated, is controlled by the Office and the scientific council. With 4500 entries in April 2002, it is without doubt the richest ciceronian bibliography to date. The SIAC objective is to double its volume in the next five years. The chronology: the site has two entries. A chronology of first access, simple and contextualized. It also offers a scholarly chronology, the Ephemerides Tullianae which, in the form of a database, is the digital version of the reference work: Nino Marinone & Ermanno Malaspina, Cronologia ciceroniana, seconda edizione aggiornata e corretta, Bologna, Patron, 2004, 518 p. 
  • The Gazette and the News Letter: SIAC has two communication tools open to all. The Gazette Tulliana, published in three languages, is a general newsletter, which opens its columns to all testimonies, scholarly or educational. It includes various sections on colloquia and other meetings, the latest publications, friendly institutions, Ciceronian news, curiosa, etc. The News Letter is available by digital subscription, and offers monthly bibliographic news and activity of the SIAC.  Like the Gazette, it is open to all.
  • The journal Ciceroniana OnLine (COL), which can be consulted on the site, is the scholarly journal of reference dedicated to Cicero. Heir to the journal Ciceroniana, edited by the Centro Di Studi Ciceroniani of Rome, from which all issues are available, it publishes since 2017 an annual issue, either in thematic or free form. It is steered by a scientific council and obeys the rules of peer review (read more about COL).
  • The SIAC Collection at De Gruyter offers to date (March 2022) four volumes of Ciceronian studies, available for consultation and download online.
  • Colloquia or events that SIAC supports financially or with its expertise. For example, its annual participation in the Congress of the Centro de Sestri Centro di Studi sulla Fortuna dell’Antico “Emanuele Narducci”, but also the international colloquia Was ist ein amicus? Überlegungen zu Konzept und praxis der amicitia bei Cicero (May 2017) in Marburg, (May 2017), Confucius and Cicero, old ideas for a new world, new ideas for an old world in Turin (September 2017), Portraying Cicero in Rome (May 2019), Cicero in Basel. Rezeptionsgeschichten aus einer Humanistenstadt in Basel (October 2019), Cicero, Society and the idea of Artes Liberales (December 2019) in Warsaw, Cicero Digitalis (March 20, 2021) and Da Cicerone al Digesto in Turin (November 22-23, 2021),). The SIAC is also closely involved with the Roma Sinica project, which also has its own collection at De Gruyter. The SIAC also supports important events such as the Certamen Ciceronianum Arpinas or the Thalia Certamen.

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The logo of the SIAC is a creation of Ugo Nespolo

The site was designed by STEP INIT