CFC: The Ancient Philosophic Corpus. Delimitacion and Constitution Problems

CFC: El Corpus Filosófico antiguo. Problemas de Delimitación y Constitución


The Ancient Philosophic Corpus. Delimitacion and Constitution Problems

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid – Instituto de Estudios Clásicos „Lucio Anneo Séneca”

29-30 September 2016

Getafe (Madrid), Spain

Call for communications

Deadline for abstracts: 31 May 2016        

Note of acceptance: 18 June 2016                

Confirmed Speakers:

– Alberto Bernabé (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

– Marcelo D. Boeri (Universidad Católica de Chile)

– Alfonso Correa (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)

– Michele Curnis (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

– Tiziano Dorandi (CNRS Paris)

– Paolo Eleuteri (Università degli Studi “Ca’ Foscari” di Venezia)

– Fernando Gazoni (Universidade Federal de São Paulo)

– Francisco Lisi (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

– Ermanno Malaspina (Università degli Studi di Torino)

– Jorge Mittelmann (Universidad de los Andes, Chile)

– Graziano Ranocchia (CNR, ILESI Italy)

– Ricardo Salles (Unversidad Nacional Autónoma de México)  

The main purpose of this conference is to discuss chronological limits and definitions of the Philosophical Corpus of classical antiquity, depending by literary-historical criteria. Within these issues the primary aim of the conference is to propose shared models for the critical edition of the philosophical texts proceeding by Greek and Latin literature, based on the survey of the manuscript sources, the comparison of direct and indirect tradition, the preparation of critical tools, the textual commentary and the strictly philosophical one. Since the project of ‘Corpus Philosophorum Graecorum et Romanorum’ aims to publish an entire collection of texts with critical edition, translation and extensive commentaries, the conference organizers hope to attract an international gathering of scholars interested in the following topics:

– problems in critically editing fragmentary texts;

– philosophical reconstruction of the textual unit of lost works;

– definition of philosophical writing in Greek and Latin literatures;

– organization of equipment within a critical edition;

– proposals for the establishment of a canon of ancient philosophical authors;

– alternative approaches and method perspectives in order to edit and present ancient philosophical texts.

Scholars who wish to present a short paper are asked to submit an abstract of 300 words, including the title of the presentation and institutional affiliation to Presentations will be limited to 20 minutes. The languages of the conference are English, French, German, Italian, Spanish. The conference fee for the prospective presenters is 100€. Papers and communications are expected to be published by the Instituto de Estudios Clásicos “Lucio Anneo Séneca” de la UC3M de Madrid (

The same Instituto “Séneca” will offer his collaboration to facilitate the staying of the participants with favorable terms. In case of any questions, please contact either Francisco Lisi at or Michele Curnis at

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