The invention of the young Cicero

Autore: Rubinelli, Sara
Titolo: The invention of the young Cicero
Rivista/Miscellanea: "The Classical Quarterly", NS 52, 2
Luogo edizione: London
Editore: Clarendon Press
Anno edizione: 2002
Pagine: 612-615
Parole chiave: Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics
Descrizione: [Comment] At inu. 1, 33 Cicero concludes his discussion of «partitio» by claiming that he has introduced philosophical precepts that are relevant to rhetoric, and that this introduction is an original device not found in other handbooks of rhetoric. Comparison with the «rhetorica ad Herennium» (1, 17), the only existing text that is contemporary and thematically similar to «de inventione», supports Cicero's claim.
Sigla autore: Rubinelli 2002