Cicero’s accretive style and rhetorical strategies in the exordia of select judicial speeches

Autore: Cerutti, Steve M.
Titolo: Cicero’s accretive style and rhetorical strategies in the exordia of select judicial speeches
Luogo edizione: Lanham, New York, London
Editore: University Press of America
Anno edizione: 1996
Pagine: 313
Parole chiave: Éloquence - Eloquenza - Eloquence, Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics
Descrizione: From : Ph.D. diss., Duke University, 1992.
Craig 2002, 530 : "S. Cerutti’s book-length examination of the exordia of Pro Quinctio, Pro Roscio Amerino, Pro Murena, Pro Milone, Pro Rege Deiotaro and the Second Philippic claims to identify an ?accretive style’ mandated by the rhetorical expectations for the exordium, and consisting in the establishmen of fundamental oppositions attached to certain ?concept words’ which, through their repetition, allow the bundling of global judgments about good and bad character to be attached to the stances of the opposing sides".
Sigla autore: Cerutti 1996