Cicero’s case against Magnus, Capito and Chrysogonus in the Pro Sex. Roscio Amerino and its use for the historian

Autore: Kinsey, T. E.
Titolo: Cicero’s case against Magnus, Capito and Chrysogonus in the Pro Sex. Roscio Amerino and its use for the historian
Rivista/Miscellanea: "L’antiquité classique", XLIX
Anno edizione: 1980
Pagine: 173-190
Parole chiave: Éloquence - Eloquenza - Eloquence, Histoire - Storia - History, Politique - Politica - Politics
Descrizione: This article deals with Cicero's arguments in the Pro Roscio concerning the real identity of those behind the murder of Roscius the father and with the part played by Chrysogonus. As a result it suggests the speech was not as important either politically or for the acquittal of Rosçius as is sometimes thought and that as historical evidence it needs more careful handling than it is sometimes given. It also supports the view that the speech required no great courage to make [Author]
Sigla autore: Kinsey 1980