Autore: Grandl, Matthias
Titolo: Ciceroniana, Zur anekdotischen Strategie in Ciceros rhetoriktheoretischen und philosophischen Schriften
Rivista/Miscellanea: Coll. Episteme, 27
Luogo edizione: Berlin
Editore: Freie Universität Berlin
Anno edizione: 2024
Pagine: 402
Parole chiave: Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy, Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics, Stylistique et genres littéraires - Stilistica e generi letterari - Stylistics and literary genre
Descrizione: Ciceroniana explores the versatile use of the narrative form anecdote in Cicero's rhetorical-theoretical and philosophical writings. This is the first study to examine Cicero's anecdotal writing in its practical applications and theoretical reflections on the premise of a systematic use of the anecdote in Cicero, taking into account all theoretical texts. It also examines Cicero's role in the development of the miniature genre from antiquity to modern times. Of particular interest are the epistemic repercussions of this miniature narrative on Cicero's communication of rhetorical theory and philosophy. In addition to detailed interpretations of selected anecdotes in interaction and interplay with their contexts, in their various de- and recontextualizations in Cicero himself or in their function as argumentative structural elements and significant stylistic features of intradiegetic speakers, this book also offers an overview of all anecdotal material in Cicero's philosophy and rhetorical theory. By comparing the anecdote with other, far more frequently researched small narrative forms such as the exemplum or the etiology, Ciceroniana makes the anecdote an equally important carrier of knowledge in antiquity and a central element in the history of knowledge in antiquity [Editor]
Sigla autore: Grandl 2024
Titolo: Ciceroniana, Zur anekdotischen Strategie in Ciceros rhetoriktheoretischen und philosophischen Schriften
Rivista/Miscellanea: Coll. Episteme, 27
Luogo edizione: Berlin
Editore: Freie Universität Berlin
Anno edizione: 2024
Pagine: 402
Parole chiave: Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy, Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics, Stylistique et genres littéraires - Stilistica e generi letterari - Stylistics and literary genre
Descrizione: Ciceroniana explores the versatile use of the narrative form anecdote in Cicero's rhetorical-theoretical and philosophical writings. This is the first study to examine Cicero's anecdotal writing in its practical applications and theoretical reflections on the premise of a systematic use of the anecdote in Cicero, taking into account all theoretical texts. It also examines Cicero's role in the development of the miniature genre from antiquity to modern times. Of particular interest are the epistemic repercussions of this miniature narrative on Cicero's communication of rhetorical theory and philosophy. In addition to detailed interpretations of selected anecdotes in interaction and interplay with their contexts, in their various de- and recontextualizations in Cicero himself or in their function as argumentative structural elements and significant stylistic features of intradiegetic speakers, this book also offers an overview of all anecdotal material in Cicero's philosophy and rhetorical theory. By comparing the anecdote with other, far more frequently researched small narrative forms such as the exemplum or the etiology, Ciceroniana makes the anecdote an equally important carrier of knowledge in antiquity and a central element in the history of knowledge in antiquity [Editor]
Sigla autore: Grandl 2024