Ad Familiares III,11,2 and the Lex Cornelia maiestatis

Autore: Rogers, Robert Samuel
Titolo: Ad Familiares III,11,2 and the Lex Cornelia maiestatis
Rivista/Miscellanea: "Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association", LXXXII
Anno edizione: 1951
Pagine: 169-199
Parole chiave: Droit - Diritto - Law, Histoire - Storia - History, Philologie - Filologia - Philology, Sources - Fonti - Sources
Descrizione: It is suggested that the text originally read: "Verum tamen est maiestas, et sic Sulla voluit, ut in quemvis impune declamari liceret". It would seem to be indicated that Sulla had exempted from prosecution for calumnia anyone who brought an indictment of maiestas under his Lex Cornelia.
Sigla autore: Rogers 1951