*Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Academica (Academicus Primus, Fragmenta et Testimonia Academicorum Librorum, Lucullus)

Autore: Reinhardt, Tobias
Titolo: *Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Academica (Academicus Primus, Fragmenta et Testimonia Academicorum Librorum, Lucullus)
Luogo edizione: Oxford
Editore: Oxford University Press
Anno edizione: 2023
Parole chiave: Éditions - Edizioni - Editions, Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy
Descrizione: An authoritative new edition informed by a comprehensive analysis of the manuscript tradition and a thorough rethinking of the text. Presents a central text on the Hellenistic debate about epistemology and sceptical challenges to the possibility of knowledge. Supplemented by a companion volume, Cicero's Academici libri and Lucullus, providing commentary and translations. This is the first new critical edition of this text since 1908, and the first to appear in the Oxford Classical Texts series. The edition is informed by a comprehensive analysis of the entire tradition of Lucullus and Academicus Primus, and by a thorough rethinking of the text documented in the accompanying commentary volume. [Editor].
Sigla autore: Reinhardt 2023a