Cicero on clementia – ЦИЦЕРОН О CLEMENTIA

Autore: Bragova, Arina Mikhailovna
Titolo: Cicero on clementia – ЦИЦЕРОН О CLEMENTIA
Rivista/Miscellanea: Scientific Notes of Novgorod State University, 2 (47
Anno edizione: 2023
Pagine: 75-80
Parole chiave: Éloquence - Eloquenza - Eloquence, Politique - Politica - Politics
Descrizione: The article aims at analysing the use of Cicero’s concept of clementia. We have found 49 cases of its use in Cicero’s works. Instead of it or next to it, such synonyms as mansuetudo, lenitas, misericordia, etc. are used. The words admirabilis, inaudita, inusitata, singularis, etc. serve as epithets for clementia, which in general indicates its positive meaning. Mercy (clementia) is part of the virtue of temperance (temperantia), along with continence (continentia) and modesty (modestia), and is also used in the same context with words denoting Stoic virtues (benignitas, fortitudo, justitia, modestia, officium, sapientia, temperantia and virtus), which may serve as evidence that for Cicero clementia is a virtue. The concept is used both in an ethical and philosophical context when listing the virtues, being one of them, and in a political one. The negatively coloured words crudelitas, odium, bellum, delictum, impunitas, inhumanitas, saevitia, etc., found next to clementia, have a political meaning and are most often associated with clementia Caesaris. Cicero’s attitude to the mercy of such statesmen as Caesar, Piso, Octavian, is skeptical, he does not believe in their sincerity and considers their mercy imaginary. 17 cases of using the concept in connection with Caesar’s mercy allow us to conclude that Cicero is simply flattering Caesar in order to save his clients (Deiotarus, Ligarius) or Caesar’s other political opponents, mentioning the gods that influence the dictator’s decision to spare life rather than execute. Interestingly, Cicero is sincere in his positive assessment of the mercy of other statesmen (Brutus, Qu.Therm, Qu.Metellus, P.Servilius, Numa Pompilius) and himself. He also appreciates the mercy of the ancestors, the Roman people, orators and judges [Author] Text in russian [Russian bibliography]
Sigla autore: Bragova 2023a