Cicero on rhetoric and philosophy: Tusculan Disputations I

Autore: Schrenk, Lawrence
Titolo: Cicero on rhetoric and philosophy: Tusculan Disputations I
Rivista/Miscellanea: "Ancient Philosophy", 14
Luogo edizione: Pittsburgh
Editore: Duquesne University Department of Philosophy
Anno edizione: 1994
Pagine: 355-360
Parole chiave: Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy, Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics, Sources - Fonti - Sources
Descrizione: [APh] [Comment] Cicero finds Plato's Phaedo and its logical arguments insufficient to convince the reader of the correct attitude toward death. Tusc. Disp. 1 offers a Roman alternative that claims to be successful because it makes not only a rational appeal, but also a rhetorical one.
Sigla autore: Schrenk 1994