Cicero’s Lame Pegasus. Humanists and Classicists on the Poetic Experiments of the Master of Rhetoric

Autore: Marciniak, Katarzyna
Titolo: Cicero’s Lame Pegasus. Humanists and Classicists on the Poetic Experiments of the Master of Rhetoric
Rivista/Miscellanea: "thersites", 2
Anno edizione: 2015
Pagine: 81-111
Parole chiave: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Poesia - Poesie - Poetry
Descrizione: [abstract] The stereotypical image of Marcus Tullius Cicero as the best orator and the worst poetaster in the history of literature was born as far back as in Antiquity. It swiftly spread with the development of instituted schooling and became an integral part of the portrayal of Graeco-Roman culture, passed down from generation to generation within Western civilization. In the present paper we shall outline the characteristics of the stereotype of Cicero the Poet along with its influence on Classical Studies and humanistic culture writ large. Special focus will be put on extracting the very roots of this stereotype. Furthermore, it will be shown that the particular case of Cicero the Poet ought to be reconsidered in the context of a wider process we have been witnessing in recent times: the disintegration of traditional models which, paradoxically, offers many appealing opportunities for Classical Studies to better understand the past and to develop in new, ground-breaking directions.
Sigla autore: Marciniak 2015