Cicero’s Retreat from Rome in Early 58 BC

Autore: Bellemore, Jane
Titolo: Cicero’s Retreat from Rome in Early 58 BC
Rivista/Miscellanea: Antichthon, Volume 42
Anno edizione: 2008
Pagine: 100-120
Parole chiave: Biographie - Biografia - Biography, Histoire - Storia - History
Descrizione: In early 58, the tribune Clodius proposed a lex de capite civis Romani reaffirming the essence of an earlier lex Sempronia, that no Roman citizen should be put to death without a trial. Since Cicero, as consul in 63, had overseen the summary execution of five men, he was, without doubt, the target of Clodius’ rogation. On the day before the bill de capite civis Romani was voted upon, however, and at the insistence of friend and foe alike, Cicero departed from the city, but his ‘timely’ exit did not put an end to this episode. Very soon after his departure, chattels were removed from his estates under the aegis of the consuls, and his wife was subjected to financial harassment. [Author]
Sigla autore: Bellemore 2008