Giulio Castellani (1528-1586): A Sixteenth-Century Opponent of Scepticism

Autore: Schmitt, Charles B.
Titolo: Giulio Castellani (1528-1586): A Sixteenth-Century Opponent of Scepticism
Rivista/Miscellanea: Journal of the History of Philosophy - Volume 5, Number 1
Anno edizione: 1967
Pagine: 15-39
Parole chiave: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy
Descrizione: [Abstract] The problem of the origins of scepticism in early modern philosophy has been a much debated issue. Sanches, Montaigne, Charron, and Bayle all contributed to the milieu which made it possible for the sceptical direction of thought to develop into such a potent force by the time of David Hume. The actual origins of modern scepticism, which seem to go back to a slightly earlier date, lie in the confluence of several different intellectual movements during the early years of the sixteenth century: Christian anti-intellectualism, the reintroduction of the literary remains of the ancient sceptical tradition, the epistemological developments of scholastic nominalism, and certain inherent tendencies of Renaissance humanism. It is in the early decades of the sixteenth century that the seeds which later blossomed forth at the time of Hume originally took root. Hume himself merely reaped the harvest of several hundred years of sceptical preparation? Aside from certain manifestations of doubt which developed out of the epistemological theories of fourteenth-century nominalism, the origins of modern scepticism are generally held to date from the first publication of Sextus Empiricus' ancient summaries of Pyrrhonism during the decade of the 1560's. While it has previously been recognized that at least hints of scepticism were current in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, the...
Sigla autore: Schmitt 1967