Notes on Cicero, Ad Atticum I and II

Autore: Watt, William Smith
Titolo: Notes on Cicero, Ad Atticum I and II
Rivista/Miscellanea: "Classical Quarterly", 12, 2
Anno edizione: 1962
Pagine: 252-262
Parole chiave: Philologie - Filologia - Philology
Descrizione: [Abstract] Since is a good Greek word, most scholars have assumed that it must be retained, and that the corruption is confined to the unintelligible letters which precede it. Constans deleted these letters as the remnant of a gloss, Sternkopf emended them to velut; neither solution is satisfactory, since by itself, without an indication of the recipient, is hardly intelligible.
Sigla autore: Watt 1962