Political declensions in Latin grammar and oratory 55 BCE-CE 39

Autore: Sinclair, Patrick
Titolo: Political declensions in Latin grammar and oratory 55 BCE-CE 39
Rivista/Miscellanea: "Ramus: Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature", 23
Luogo edizione: Berwick
Editore: Aureal Publications
Anno edizione: 1994
Pagine: 92-109
Parole chiave: Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics, Sources - Fonti - Sources, Stylistique et genres littéraires - Stilistica e generi letterari - Stylistics and literary genre
Descrizione: [APh] [Comment] An analysis of the confrontation between Cicero's De oratore and Caesar's De analogia shows that Caesar's politically motivated systemization of the Latin language is of the same mode of thought and action later found in the Principate. The critical terminology, preoccupation with decline, and formation of a declamatory canon in Seneca's Controversiae and Suasoriae are evidence of how the social and political rules of the Principate influenced oratory.
Sigla autore: Sinclair 1994