Populares in Livy and the Livian tradition

Autore: Seager, Robin
Titolo: Populares in Livy and the Livian tradition
Rivista/Miscellanea: "Classical Quarterly", XXVII
Anno edizione: 1977
Pagine: 377-390
Parole chiave: Histoire - Storia - History, Politique - Politica - Politics
Descrizione: This paper essays a reconstruction of Livy's attitude to and treatment of the major ‘popularis’ figures of the late republic, from Ti. Gracchus to Cinna and Carbo. The opening section examines four situations involving ‘popularis’ prototypes: the careers of Sp. Cassius, Sp. Maelius, and Manlius Capitolinus and the fall of Ap. Claudius the decemvir. It first considers Livy's use of what by his time had become standard themes in writing about ‘populares’, then attempts to establish the possible antiquity of these modes of expression. In passing it should perhaps be stressed that the attention directed in this section to terminology is not intended to imply that Livy's attitudes (or those of any other author) can be determined simply from the mere occurrence in his work of certain slogans or catchwords. That is one reason why there is little profit in asking how a ‘popularis’ historian might have handled the same or similar events [Author].
Sigla autore: Seager 1977