Power and persuasion in Cicero’s philosophy

Autore: Gilbert, Nathan & Graver, Margaret & McConnell, Sean (eds.)
Titolo: Power and persuasion in Cicero’s philosophy
Luogo edizione: New York
Editore: Cambridge University Press
Anno edizione: 2023
Pagine: 20
Parole chiave: Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy, Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics

David Fott, BMCR, 2023 (Link)

Descrizione: This interdisciplinary volume will be essential reading for students and scholars working on Greco-Roman philosophy, Roman rhetoric, and the history and literary culture of the Roman Republic. It showcases innovative methodological approaches to Cicero the philosopher and defines new directions for the immediate future of the field. [Editor] TOC : Raphael Woolf, Cicero on Rhetoric and Dialectic, pp 15-34 ; James E. G. Zetzel,  Cicero’s Platonic Dialogues, pp 35-51 ; Georgina White, Mos dialogorum, Scepticism and Fiction in Cicero’s Academica, pp. 52-76 ;  Geert Roskam, Nos in diem vivimus, Cicero’s Approach in the Tusculan Disputations, pp 77-96 ; Nathan Gilbert, Cicero the Philosopher at Work, The Genesis and Execution of De officiis 3, pp 97-116 ; Malcolm Schofield,  Iuris consensu Revisited, pp 119-139 ; Margaret Graver, The Psychology of Honor in Cicero’s De re publica, pp 140-169 ; Jed W. Atkins, Cicero on the Justice of War, pp 170-204 ; Katharina Volk, Towards a Definition of Sapientia, Philosophy in Cicero’s Pro Marcello, pp 205-217
Sigla autore: Gilbert & al. 2023