Sallust’s wife

Autore: Syme, Ronald
Titolo: Sallust’s wife
Rivista/Miscellanea: "The Classical Quarterly", 28
Luogo edizione: Cambridge
Editore: Cambridge University Press
Anno edizione: 1978
Pagine: 292-295
Parole chiave: Biographie - Biografia - Biography, Prosopographie - Prosopografia - Prosopography
Descrizione: [APh] [Comment] The story that Cicero's first wife Terentia later married the historian Sallust is impossible, although it has a parallel in the history of Cicero's second wife Publilia who did later marry a distinguished orator, C. Vibius Rufus. Perhaps some other Terentia was married to Sallustius Crispus, the historian's great-nephew, who has been confused with him on other occasions, and this inspired the legend.
Sigla autore: Syme 1978