Saviour of the republic and father of the fatherland: Cicero and political crisis

Autore: Hall, Jon
Titolo: Saviour of the republic and father of the fatherland: Cicero and political crisis
Rivista/Miscellanea: In C. Steel (Ed.), The Cambridge companion to Cicero
Luogo edizione: Cambridge
Editore: Cambridge University Press
Anno edizione: 2013
Pagine: 215-229
Parole chiave: Biographie - Biografia - Biography
Descrizione: During his long career as senator and statesman, Cicero found himself confronted on several occasions with moments of grave political crisis, moments that threatened both his political survival and personal safety. His reactions to these crises offer significant insights not just into his character and political acumen; they demonstrate too the importance in aristocratic life of assertive self-promotion. Over the course of his career, Cicero worked hard to construct a distinctive political image and to manipulate the ways in which he was perceived by his peers and the wider public. At times we may be able to discern a distinct gap between this image and the realities on which it was based; but in a political environment where opponents were ruthless in their denigration of a rival's character and policies, the ambitious aristocrat needed to be assertive and creative in the promotion of his achievements [Author]
Sigla autore: Hall 2013