The Genre of Cicero’s De consulatu suo

Autore: Volk, Katharina
Titolo: The Genre of Cicero’s De consulatu suo
Rivista/Miscellanea: Generic Interfaces in Latin Literature: Encounters, Interactions and Transformations, ed. by T. D. Papanghelis, S. J. Harrison, and S. Frangoulidis.
Luogo edizione: Berlin
Editore: de Gruyter
Anno edizione: 2013
Pagine: 93-112
Parole chiave: Poesia - Poesie - Poetry, Stylistique et genres littéraires - Stilistica e generi letterari - Stylistics and literary genre
Descrizione: [Abstract] This paper argues that Cicero’s much-maligned poem about his consulship was a highly original work that challenged the boundaries of the epic genre. Incorporating elements of political autobiography and didactic poetry and raising interesting questions about poetic voice and persona, the poem presents a rime example of Kreuzung der Gattungen. The poet-protagonist’s privileging of civic over military achievements is a bold move in terms not only of Roman political ideals but also of generic decorum, constituting a recusatio  of tradition-al martial epic in favor of a new, uniquely Ciceronian type of poetry.
Sigla autore: Volk 2013