The Meaning of Cicero’s Concept of Scientia – Содержание цицероновского понятия scientia

Autore: Bragova, Arina Mikhailovna
Titolo: The Meaning of Cicero’s Concept of Scientia – Содержание цицероновского понятия scientia
Rivista/Miscellanea: Magistra Vitae, 2.
Anno edizione: 2018
Pagine: 199–204
Parole chiave: Philologie - Filologia - Philology, Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy
Descrizione: The article is devoted to the analysis of the Latin concept of scientia in Cicero’s works. The research is based on the statistical method as well as on the content analysis. With the help of the continuous method 352 examples of the use of the concept have been found, of which only those that are related to the semantic field ‘scientific knowledge’ are analysed (two-thirds of all the examples). It is concluded that Cicero’s scientia is scientific knowledge, art (ars), which is linked with cognition (cognitio) and reason (ratio). The thirst for knowledge has an innate character. Scientia is opposed to ignorance (inscientia) and falseness (error). Scientific knowledge (scientia) in Cicero’s works concerns many areas of scientific knowledge: philosophy, rhetoric, law, politics, religion, medicine, physics, mathematics, astronomy, music, agriculture and others. Most often Cicero applies scientia to philosophy (34 examples), rhetoric (33), civil law and laws (32), politics (19), divination (19). Significantly less often, the concept of scientia is mentioned by Cicero in connection with the military science (8 examples), medicine (4), navigation (2), astronomy (2), agriculture (1). Cicero uses scientia in one context with other philosophical and socio-political concepts: ars (34 examples), ratio (25) and cognitio (20). Knowledge (scientia) and cognition (cognitio), being partial synonyms, differ in the fact that knowledge issues have knowledge as an end result. Art (ars) and knowledge (scientia) are often interchangeable and are also used as synonyms. The joint use of scientia and ratio is also due to the similarity of their meanings; these concepts often act as homogeneous sentence members. [Author] Text in Russian [Russian bibliography]
Sigla autore: Bragova 2018b