Book Launch: Ilsetraut Hadot, Sénèque

Book Launch Ilsetraut Hadot, Sénèque: Direction spirituelle et pratique de 

la philosophie, Paris: Librairie philosophique J. VRIN, 2014

Avec Jean-Baptiste Gourinat (Centre Léon Robin, Paris)

5 May 2015, 18:30, iSpace (G-11)

The American University of Paris

147 rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris

Every classicist in Germany knows Ilsetraut Hadot’s seminal dissertation

Seneca und die Tradition der griechisch-römischen Seelenleitung, completed

1965 at the Freie Universität Berlin and published in 1969. After moving to

France, Ilsetraut Hadot turned in other directions and wrote extensively on

the history of the Liberal Arts and Neoplatonism. It was her husband Pierre

Hadot who took up the thread with his research on ancient philosophy as a

way of life, most notably in a monograph Exercices spirituels et philosophie

antique of 1981, whose influence on Michel Foucault’s readings of ancient

philosophy and Seneca is well known. 

After several invitations to publish a French translation, Ilsetraut Hadot

has at last found the time to make her original research available to a

wider public in a completely revised and updated version. 

Departments of Comparative Literature and English,

History, and Philosophy

The American University of Paris

147 rue de Grenelle



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