Universalism, Cosmopolitanism, and the Ius Gentium in Ancient Political Thought

Universalism, Cosmopolitanism, and the Ius Gentium in
Ancient Political Thought

Annual Meeting of the Collegium Politicum

Bonn, 26 May–28 May 2016

Bonn University is pleased to host the 16th annual meeting
of the Collegium Politicum. The Bonn meeting of the
Collegium Politicum will be dedicated to those concepts,
arguments, and theories that ancient moral and political
thinkers devoted to 'universalist' questions. How did
philosophers in antiquity see 'transnational' or 'global'
issues? Did they formulate normative principles that are
appropriate to deal  with these problems? What did they
think on questions of war and peace, cultural difference
and plurality, natural law, the relations between peoples
and states? Which sorts of utopian thought regarding
cosmopolitanism can we identify?

Abstracts should be no more than 400 words. Please include
your name, affiliation and your email address. Papers can
be written in English, French, Italian, German and
Spanish. They should be readable in 30 minutes, to allow
at least another fifteen minutes of discussion.

Please submit abstracts to the following email address:

The submission deadline is Friday, January 15th 2016.

We will confirm receipt of submission by email. We will
also notify you, if you have been selected as a presenter
for the conference. Decisions regarding the program will
be made by the end of January.

Be good enough to let us know, if you want to have a
comment on your paper by one of the members of the
Collegium Politicum. If so, we will need the final version
of your paper till Monday, February 29th 2016.

Attached please find the flyer for our meeting.


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