A historian in Cicero. Ad familiares — P. Licinius (?) Apollonius

Author: Lintott, Andrew W.
Title: A historian in Cicero. Ad familiares — P. Licinius (?) Apollonius
Review/Collection: "Rheinisches Museum", CXIX
Year edition: 1976
Pages: 368
Keywords: Histoire - Storia - History, Prosopographie - Prosopografia - Prosopography
Description: In xiii. 16 Cicero commends to Caesar this Apollonius, a freedman of P. Crassus who died at Carrhae. Cicero had first met him in Cilicia and this makes it likely that he had accompanied his patron (or perhaps then his master, if his manumission was by testament) to the East for the Parthian campaign. Subsequently, he seems to have remained in the East for a time, attaching himself to Caesar during the Alexandrian war. In Italy in 45, he planned to join Caesar in Spain, in order to write in Greek a history of his achievements ('res tuae'). This was not his first historical work ('habet usum, iam pridem in eo genere studi litterarumque versatur') [Author].Cicero, Epistulae ad Familiares 13.16.
Link: http://www.rhm.uni-koeln.de/119/M-Lintott.pdf
Author initials: Lintott 1976