A traditional pattern of imitation in Sallust and his sources

Auteur: Renehan, Robert F.
Titre: A traditional pattern of imitation in Sallust and his sources
Revue/Collection: "Classical Philology", LXXI
Annèe edition: 1976
Pages: 97-105
Mots-clès: Sources - Fonti - Sources
Description: Sallust's imitations of other authors sometimes come when the context of his model is the same as Sallust's own, which provides a deeper comment on his topic. Authors whom he imitated in this way include Aeschylus, Cicero, Herodotus, Plato, and Thucydides. Sallust uses this device to depict himself as the Roman equivalent of Plato and of Thucydides. Similar instances are found in the writings of Isocrates, Xenophon, Polybius, and perhaps Plato. [Da APh]
Liens: https://www.jstor.org/stable/268523?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
Sigle auteur: Renehan 1976