Actitud de los cristianos ante el principio de la latinitas

Author: Alberte González, Antonio
Title: Actitud de los cristianos ante el principio de la latinitas
Review/Collection: "Estudios clásicos", 33, 100
Year edition: 1991
Pages: 55-62
Keywords: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy
Description: [Abstract] From the Ciceronian concept of latinitas -shared and varied by Quintilianus, who also uses the consuetudo as basis of the recte loqui- we can see in the Christian literature from Tertulian a double trend. That of the mos uulgi and of the iudicium aurium is characteristic of St. Augustin and agrees with the Cicero’s one, and this trend finally prevails. The other one is the concept of auctoritas defended by the grammarians.
Author initials: Alberte González 1991