Ad rei publicae utilitatem. Prospettive ciceroniane su lex e ius

Author: Zanichelli, Maria
Title: Ad rei publicae utilitatem. Prospettive ciceroniane su lex e ius
Review/Collection: "Rivista di filosofia del diritto", 10, 2
Year edition: 2021
Pages: 345-356
Keywords: Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy, Politique - Politica - Politics
Description: [Zanichelli, Maria] [Abstract] Ad rei publicae utilitatem. Cicero’s Views on Lex and Ius. By adopting Aristotelian doctrines, reviewed in the light of Hellenistic philosophies, Cicero developed a legal and political thought quite suitable to Rome. I will examine some tenets showing the very Roman purpose, no less than the Greek roots, of Cicero’s "philosophy of law": natural law as right reason; law as the keystone of political community; public interest as the raison d’être of law. This way of arguing about the law, emphasizing its institutional dimensions, proves to be, in the crisis years of the Roman Republic, a flawless example of legal philosophy as a reflection deeply situated in its own historical and social context.
Author initials: Zanichelli 2021