Análisis de las invectivas de Cicerón contra Antonio en las Filípicas

Author: San Vicente González de Aspuru, José Ignacio
Title: Análisis de las invectivas de Cicerón contra Antonio en las Filípicas
Review/Collection: Eikasía: revista de filosofía, 117
Year edition: 2023
Pages: 235-284
Keywords: Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics
Description: In the Philippics, Cicero employed a wide range of invectives to denigrate Antony, portraying him as an antisocial individual who embodied all moral defects and vices. He described him as an enemy of the state and a tyrant who aspired to autocracy and sought to eliminate the boni, defenders of the republic. These insults are analysed throughout the article, and an inversion of the cardinal virtues which, as described by Cicero, is observed in them. According to Cicero, these virtues were the qualities that a statesman should possess, as outlined in his work De Officiis, which he wrote concurrently with delivering the Philippics [Author]
Author initials: San Vicente González de Aspuru 2023