Annotazioni retoriche a margine dell’inofficiosità successoria nel De Inventione di Cicerone e nella Rhetorica ad Herennium

Author: Cassarino, Alessandro
Title: Annotazioni retoriche a margine dell’inofficiosità successoria nel De Inventione di Cicerone e nella Rhetorica ad Herennium
Review/Collection: "Ciceroniana On Line", VII, 1
Year edition: 2023
Pages: 7-29
Keywords: Droit - Diritto - Law, Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics
Description: [Cassarino, Alessandro] [Abstract] This contribution deals with the interplay between rhetoric and law, and how the former was the originator of the procedural institution of the querela inofficiosi testamenti. In particular, we focus on the well-known case of the matricide Malleolus, sentenced to capital punishment, in order to understand or not the validity of his will through the use of analogical legal argumentation (ratiocinatio).
Author initials: Cassarino 2023