Aproximaciones a la identidad romana en los discursos post reditum de Cicerón

Autore: Cairo, María Emilia
Titolo: Aproximaciones a la identidad romana en los discursos post reditum de Cicerón
Rivista/Miscellanea: "Politica Antica", 10
Luogo edizione: Bari
Editore: Edipuglia
Anno edizione: 2020
Pagine: 65-80
Parole chiave: Biographie - Biografia - Biography, Histoire - Storia - History, Politique - Politica - Politics, Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics
Descrizione: [Cairo, María Emilia] [Abstract] The post reditum context is extremely critical for Cicero, who seeks to rejoin Roman public life. It is a moment both of reconfiguration of his individual identity and of reflection about the identity of the community. In this paper I will examine Cicero’s remarks on Roman identity in five of the speeches delivered after his return: Post reditum in Senatu, Post reditum ad Populum, De domo sua, Pro Sestio, and De haruspicum responso. As a starting point, I will take the definition of Roman identity as stated in har. resp. 19, according to which pietas, religio and sapientia about the government of the world by the gods are presented as the main Roman features. It will be considered how these three elements occur throughout the speeches of the corpus, configurating a coherent picture of what it means to be Roman.
Link: https://www.academia.edu/45042884/_Aproximaciones_a_la_identidad_romana_en_los_discursos_post_reditum_de_Cicer%C3%B3n_Politica_Antica_X_2020_65_80
Sigla autore: Cairo 2020