Author: Schierl, Petra
Title: Begegnung mit Cicero: Vives’ Somnium et Vigilia in Somnium Scipionis und der Basler Buchdruck
Review/Collection: In : Scheidegger Laemmle, Cédric (ed.), Cicero in Basel, Locating Classical Reception in a Humanist City, De Gruyter, 2024, 374 p.
Place edition: Berlin, Boston
Editor: De Gruyter
Year edition: 2024
Pages: 203-222
Keywords: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy
Description: Petra Schierl turns our attention to another response to the Ciceronian controversies in the Somnium et Vigilia in Somnium Scipionis by the Spanish humanist Juan Luis Vives. Instead of offering a traditional commentary on the Somnium, Vives playfully engages with Cicero’s work on different levels: first, he offers a satiric narration of his journey into the realm of Sleep (a journey, Vives tells us, he dreamt up when he fell asleep while working on a set of lectures on the Somnium Scipionis); there he encounters both Cicero and his protagonist Scipio who are both rather unenthusiastic as he questions them about the famous dream. Secondly, he exploits the ambiguity of the word enarratio (both ‘commentary’ and ‘expansive narration’) as he usurps Cicero’s narrative voice: he offers an expanded re-telling of the Somnium Scipionis which incorporates commentary and background information, and thus systematically blurs the boundary between his own words and those of Cicero. As Schierl shows, Vives playfully subverts the precepts of overzealous Ciceronians. First published at Antwerp, the work saw several re-prints in Basel, not least as part of Vives’ collected works which were first printed in Basel – a fact which bears witness not just to the personal ties the Spanish humanist had with Basel but also to the city’s importance in the Ciceronian controversies of the day [Scheidegger Laemmle 2024,14].
Author initials: Schierl 2024
Title: Begegnung mit Cicero: Vives’ Somnium et Vigilia in Somnium Scipionis und der Basler Buchdruck
Review/Collection: In : Scheidegger Laemmle, Cédric (ed.), Cicero in Basel, Locating Classical Reception in a Humanist City, De Gruyter, 2024, 374 p.
Place edition: Berlin, Boston
Editor: De Gruyter
Year edition: 2024
Pages: 203-222
Keywords: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy
Description: Petra Schierl turns our attention to another response to the Ciceronian controversies in the Somnium et Vigilia in Somnium Scipionis by the Spanish humanist Juan Luis Vives. Instead of offering a traditional commentary on the Somnium, Vives playfully engages with Cicero’s work on different levels: first, he offers a satiric narration of his journey into the realm of Sleep (a journey, Vives tells us, he dreamt up when he fell asleep while working on a set of lectures on the Somnium Scipionis); there he encounters both Cicero and his protagonist Scipio who are both rather unenthusiastic as he questions them about the famous dream. Secondly, he exploits the ambiguity of the word enarratio (both ‘commentary’ and ‘expansive narration’) as he usurps Cicero’s narrative voice: he offers an expanded re-telling of the Somnium Scipionis which incorporates commentary and background information, and thus systematically blurs the boundary between his own words and those of Cicero. As Schierl shows, Vives playfully subverts the precepts of overzealous Ciceronians. First published at Antwerp, the work saw several re-prints in Basel, not least as part of Vives’ collected works which were first printed in Basel – a fact which bears witness not just to the personal ties the Spanish humanist had with Basel but also to the city’s importance in the Ciceronian controversies of the day [Scheidegger Laemmle 2024,14].
Author initials: Schierl 2024