Brill’s companion to Cicero : oratory and rhetoric

Author: May, James M. (ed.)
Title: Brill’s companion to Cicero : oratory and rhetoric
Place edition: Leiden ; Boston; Köln
Editor: Brill
Year edition: 2002
Pages: 632
Keywords: Bibliographie - Bibliografia - Bibliography, Éloquence - Eloquenza - Eloquence, Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics
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Description: [Abstract] This volume is intended as a companion to the study of Cicero's oratory and rhetoric for both students and experts in the field: for the neophyte, it provides a starting point; for the veteran Ciceronian scholar, a place for renewing the dialogue about issues concerning Ciceronian oratory and rhetoric; for all, a site of engagement at various levels with Ciceronian scholarship and bibliography. The book is arranged along roughly chronological lines and covers most aspects of Cicero's oratory and rhetoric. The particular strength of this companion resides in the individual, often very original approach to sundry topics by an array of impressive contributors, all of whom have spent large portions of their careers concentrating upon the oratorical and rhetorical oeuvre of Cicero. A bibliography of relevant items from the past 25 years, keyed to specific Ciceronian works, completes the volume. Riferimenti più o meno ampi dedicati alla vox e al gestus secondo le teorie ciceroniane si ritrovano all’interno degli interventi di Corbeill (cap. 2), di May (cap. 3), di Wisse (capp. 11-12) e di Narducci (capp. 13-14). [FrMa, Mantelli 2020, p. 222] 1. Cicero: His Life and Career James M. May 2. Rhetorical Education in Cicero's Youth : Anthony Corbeill 3. Ciceronian Oratory in Context : James M. May 4. Cicero's Early Speeches : Ann Vasaly 5. Cicero's Consular Speeches : Robert W. Cape, Jr. 6. The Post ReditumSpeeches : Andrew M. Riggsby 7. Ciceronian Invective : Anthony Corbeill 8. Cicero's Caesarian Orations : Harold C. Gotoff 9. The Philippics : Jon Hall 10. The Lost and Fragmentary Orations : Jane W. Crawford 11. The Intellectual Background of Cicero's Rhetorical Works : Jakob Wisse 12. De Oratore: Rhetoric, Philosophy, and the Making of the Ideal Orator : Jakob Wisse 13. Brutus: The History of Roman Eloquence : Emanuele Narducci (Translated by the Editor) 14. Orator and the Definition of the Ideal Orator :Emanuele Narducci (Translated by the Editor) 15. Cicero's Partitiones Oratoriae and Topica: Rhetorical Philosophy and Philosophical Rhetoric : Robert N. Gaines 16. Cicero's Oratorical and Rhetorical Legacy : George A. Kennedy 17. A Survey of Selected Recent Work on Cicero's Rhetorica and Speeches : Christopher P. Craig
Author initials: May (ed.) 2002