Catullus, Cicero, and a society of patrons: the generation of the text

Auteur: Culpepper Stroup, Sarah
Titre: Catullus, Cicero, and a society of patrons: the generation of the text
Revue/Collection: Culpepper Stroup, Sarah [Ed.], Catullus, Cicero, and a society of patrons: the generation of the text
Lieu èdition: New York
Éditeur: Cambridge University Press
Annèe edition: 2010
Pages: 324
Mots-clès: Histoire - Storia - History, Politique - Politica - Politics, Stylistique et genres littéraires - Stilistica e generi letterari - Stylistics and literary genre
Comptes rendus:

Trimble, G. C., « The Journal of Roman Studies », 102, 2012, 378-379.

Martin, Paul Marius, in: Revue des Études Latines, 88 (2010) 315-317.

Peirano, Irene, in: New England Classical Journal, 39.1 (2012) 60-62.

Tatum, William Jeffrey, in: Classical Review N. S., 61.2 (2011) 460-462 
Description: Publisher Summary: This is a study of the emergence, development, and florescence of a distinctly "late Republican" sociotextual culture as recorded in the writings of this period’s two most influential authors, Catullus and Cicero. It reveals a multi-faceted textual - rather than more traditionally defined "literary" - world that both defines the intellectual life of the late Republic and lays the foundations for those authors of the Principate and Empire who identified this period as their literary source and inspiration. By first questioning, and then rejecting, the traditional polarization of Catullus and Cicero, and by broadening the scope of late Republican socioliterary studies to include intersections of language, social practice, and textual materiality, this book presents a fresh picture of both the sociotextual world of the late Republic and the primary authors through whom this world would gain renown"- contents: Introduction; Part I. How to Write about Writing: 1. When? Otium as ’time to write’; 2. What? Munus as the ’gift of duty’; 3. Where? Libellus: polished and published; Part II. The Textualization of Display: 4. The problem with liberal performance; 5. From public display to textual display; 6. The poetics of literary obligation; Part III. The Materialization of the Text: 7. An object of Catullan affection; 8. Brutus: the dialogic personification of the Republican voice; Epilogue; Appendix: what ’society of patrons?’ A prosopography of the players.
Sigle auteur: Culpepper Stroup 2010