Cicero and Seneca on the Fate of the Soul: Private Feelings and Philosophical Doctrines

Autore: Setaioli, Aldo
Titolo: Cicero and Seneca on the Fate of the Soul: Private Feelings and Philosophical Doctrines
Rivista/Miscellanea: in: "The Individual in the Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean"
Luogo edizione: Oxford
Anno edizione: 2013
Pagine: 455-488
Parole chiave: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Philologie - Filologia - Philology, Religion - Religione - Religion, Sources - Fonti - Sources
Descrizione: [abstract] The notion of individuality is frequently associated with an interest in a prolongation or final attainment of individuality beyond the traits of biological life. For two important thinkers, Cicero in the mid-first century bc, and Seneca in the mid-first century ad, reflexions about the fate of the soul will be investigated.
Sigla autore: Setaioli 2013