Cicero and the division of virtue

Author: Calboli Montefusco, Lucia
Title: Cicero and the division of virtue
Review/Collection: in: Greek literary theory after Aristotle : a collection of papers in honour of D. M. Schenkeveld / ed. by J. G. J. Abbenes, Simon R. Slings & Ineke Sluiter, XVIII, 326
Place edition: Amsterdam
Editor: Vrije University Pr.
Year edition: 1995
Pages: 43-64
Keywords: Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy, Sources - Fonti - Sources

Grewing, "Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft", 50 (1997), 14-17

Donnet, "L’Antiquité classique", 66 (1997), 728

Slater, "Bryn Mawr Classical Review", 6 (1995), 561-564

Halliwell, "Classical Review", NS 46 (1996), 258-259

Billault, "Revue des Études Grecques", 108  (1995), 619-621

Author initials: Calboli Montefusco 1995