Cicero and the Foundations of a Humanist City: History, Philology, Reception

Auteur: Scheidegger Laemmle, Cédric
Titre: Cicero and the Foundations of a Humanist City: History, Philology, Reception
Revue/Collection: In : Scheidegger Laemmle, Cédric (ed.), Cicero in Basel, Locating Classical Reception in a Humanist City, De Gruyter, 2024, 374 p.
Lieu èdition: Berlin, Boston
Éditeur: De Gruyter
Annèe edition: 2024
Pages: 1-20
Mots-clès: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Histoire - Storia - History, Philologie - Filologia - Philology
Description: This chapter is an introduction to Cicero in Basel (Scheidegger Laemmle 2024). It includes a reflection on the complexity of Cicero's reception (7-10) [PhR]
Sigle auteur: Scheidegger Laemmle 2024b