Cicero as Orator

Auteur: Craig, Christopher P.
Titre: Cicero as Orator
Revue/Collection: In : Dominik, William & Hall, Jon (ed.), A Companion to Roman Rhetoric, Oxford/Malden/Carlton, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007, 528 p. [Dominik & Hall 2007]
Annèe edition: 2007
Pages: 264-284
Mots-clès: Éloquence - Eloquenza - Eloquence, Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics
Description: This chapter will present an overview of Cicero’s speeches through a brief look at several individual works. We will comment only sparingly upon the development of Cicero’s styles, and not at all on the rich but technical topic of Cicero’s prose rhythms. Some orations will be treated more fully, others noted for specific traits that they embody. But before considering individual speeches, it will be useful to emphasize the first origins and primary purposes of the texts we have. [Author]
Sigle auteur: Craig 2007