Cicero de Oratore 2.51-64 and Rhetoric in Historiography

Auteur: Northwood, S.J.
Titre: Cicero de Oratore 2.51-64 and Rhetoric in Historiography
Revue/Collection: "Mnemosyne", Volume 61, Number 2
Annèe edition: 2008
Pages: 228-244
Mots-clès: Histoire - Storia - History, Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy, Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics
Description:    Abstract: : An analysis of Cicero’s vocabulary, argumentation, and views on Greek historians in de Orat. 2.51-8 shows that he criticizes the early Roman historians for failings in both style and content. This contradicts A.J. Woodman’s claim that the views of Cicero’s ’Antonius’ have “nothing to do with style”. Furthermore the idea that Cicero considered the exaedificatio of an historical work not to be subject to the leges historiae is based on a mistaken interpretation of de Orat. 2.63. It is argued that this text provides no theoretical foundation for a “hard core” of material subject to the leges historiae and a “superstructure” subject only to the rhetorical requirement of plausibility.
Sigle auteur: Northwood 2008