*Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Opera omnia

Auteur: Manuwald, Gesine & Scheidegger Lämmle, Cédric
Titre: *Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Opera omnia
Lieu èdition: Basel
Éditeur: Schwabe Verlag
Annèe edition: 1528
Pages: 282 & 480
Mots-clès: Éditions - Edizioni - Editions
Description: This publication offers a complete reproduction of Andreas Cratander’s monumental edition of the complete works of Cicero (Basel 1528), which marked a high point of Humanist book printing in Basel. The high-quality reprint of the two volumes allows the reader to experience historic book culture first-hand. An introductory essay offers literary and historical background information on Cicero and Cratander, situates Cratander’s edition in the history of Ciceronian editions and explains the distinctive features of the reproduced copy from the University Library in Basel. [Editor]
Sigle auteur: Cratander 1528