Cicero on the Attack. Invective and Subversion in the Orations and Beyond

Auteur: Booth, Joan [ed.]
Titre: Cicero on the Attack. Invective and Subversion in the Orations and Beyond
Lieu èdition: Swansea
Éditeur: The Classical Press of Wales
Annèe edition: 2007
Pages: XIV, 215
Mots-clès: Éloquence - Eloquenza - Eloquence, Politique - Politica - Politics, Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics
Comptes rendus:

Rita Degl’Innocenti Pierini (Università di Firenze) dans Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.02.39 (Link)

Description: [Abstract] : Table des matières: Introduction: Joan Booth: man and matter, pp. IX-XIV. 1. J.G.F. Powell: Invective and the orator: Ciceronian theory and practice, 1-23. 2. Robin Seager: Ciceronian invective: themes and variations, 25-46. 3. Javier Uría: The semantics and pragmatics of Ciceronian invective, 47-70. 4. Keith Hopwood: Smear and spin: Ciceronian tactics in De lege agraria II, 71-103. 5. Catherine Steel: Name and shame? Invective against Clodius and others in the post-exile speeches, 105-128. 6. Byron Harries: Acting the part: techniques of the comic stage in Cicero's early speeches, 129-147. 7. Ingo Gildenhard: Greek auxiliaries: tragedy and philosophy in Ciceronian invective, 149-182. 8. Rogier L. van der Wal: 'What a funny consul we have!' Cicero's dealings with Cato Uticensis and prominent friends in opposition, 183-205.
Sigle auteur: Booth 2007