Cicero on the laws of the ideal state – Цицерон о законах идеального государства

Author: Bragova, Arina Mikhailovna
Title: Cicero on the laws of the ideal state – Цицерон о законах идеального государства
Review/Collection: Journal of ΣΧΟΛΗ, Issue 4. 1.
Place edition: Novosibirsk
Year edition: 2010
Pages: 38-47
Keywords: Droit - Diritto - Law, Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy, Politique - Politica - Politics
Description: For­mu­la­ting the juri­di­cal com­po­nent of his ideal sta­te in the dia­lo­gue De le­gi­bus Ci­ce­ro com­bi­nes Greek le­gal theo­ry and Ro­man sta­te ac­ti­vi­ty. He sees the law as a sup­re­me ra­tio in­he­rent in the na­tu­re, which al­lows peop­le to do what ought to be do­ne and to ref­rain from the op­po­si­te. It is jus­ti­ce that can be found at the co­re of law, but (contra­ry to the so­phis­tic tra­di­tion) — jus­ti­ce avai­lab­le to eve­ry ci­ti­zen, not exclu­si­ve­ly to the ru­lers, sin­ce on­ly this sort of law gua­ran­tees equal treat­ment to all Ro­man ci­ti­zens. Jus­ti­ce and equa­li­ty are deep­ly roo­ted in ci­vil vir­tues ref­lec­ted in Ro­man tra­di­tion, an unwrit­ten law of di­vi­ne ori­gin (that is why re­li­gio­us laws ha­ve to be most strictly ob­ser­ved). Examples gi­ven in the ar­tic­le show how Ci­ce­ro uses the­se theo­re­ti­cal pre­mi­ses in his dis­cus­sion of so­me le­gal acts re­la­ted to the im­pe­rium of ma­gistra­tes and the function of the tri­bu­na­te [Author]. Text in russian [Russian bibliography]
Author initials: Bragova 2010b