Cicero the Advocate

Auteur: Powell Jonathan & Paterson, Jeremy
Titre: Cicero the Advocate
Lieu èdition: Oxford
Éditeur: Oxford University Press
Annèe edition: 2004
Pages: xi, 448
Mots-clès: Droit - Diritto - Law, Éloquence - Eloquenza - Eloquence, Histoire - Storia - History
Comptes rendus:

Bob Kaster, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2005.07.23 – Corbeill, Anthony, American Journal of Philology – Volume 127, Number 1 (Whole Number 505), Spring 2006, pp. 144-149 – May, J.M., The Classical Review (2006), 56 : 98-100 – Metzger, E., 2005, The Times Higher Education Supplement, vol. 718, pp. 24-25.

Description: [Abstract] This is the first book in English to take Cicero's forensic speeches seriously as acts of advocacy, i.e. as designed to ensure that the person he represents is acquitted or that the person he is prosecuting is found guilty. It seeks to set the speeches within the context of the court system of the Late Roman Republic and to explore in detail the strategies available to Roman advocates to win the votes of jurors. The volume comprises a substantial introduction, fourteen chapters by prominent Ciceronian scholars in Britain, North America, and Germany, and a final chapter by a current British Appeal Court judge who comments on Cicero's techniques from the point of view of a modern advocate. The introduction deals with issues concerning the general nature of advocacy, the Roman court system as compared with other ancient and modern systems, the Roman "profession" of advocacy and its etiquette, the place of advocacy in Cicero's career, the ancient theory of rhetoric and argument as applied to courtroom advocacy, and the relationship between the published texts of the speeches as we have them and the speeches actually delivered in court. The first eight chapters discuss general themes: legal procedure in Cicero's time, Cicero's Italian clients, Cicero's methods of setting out or alluding to the facts of a case, his use of legal arguments, arguments from character, invective, self-reference, and emotional appeal, the last of these especially in the concluding sections of his speeches. Chapters 9-14 examine a range of particular speeches as case studies--In Verrem II.1 (from Cicero's only major extant prosecution case), Pro Archia, De Domo Sua, Pro Caecina, Pro Cluentio, Pro Ligario. These speeches cover the period of the height of Cicero's career, from 70 BC, when Cicero became acknowledged as the leading Roman advocate, to 49 BC when Caesar's dictatorship required Cicero to adapt his well-tried forensic techniques to drastically new circumstances, and they contain arguments on a wide range of subject-matter, including provincial maladministration, usurpation of citizenship rights, violent dispossession, the religious law relating to the consecration of property, poisoning, bribery, and political offences. Other speeches, including all the better-known ones, are used as illustrative examples in the introduction and in the more general chapters. An appendix lists all Cicero's known appearances as an advocate. TOC : Introduction , Jonathan Powell and Jeremy Paterson I. Themes 1. Legal Procedure in Cicero's Time , Andrew Lintott 2. Self-Reference in Cicero's Forensic Speeches , Jeremy Paterson 3. A Volscian Mafia? Cicero and his Italian Clients in the Forensic Speeches , Kathryn Lomas 4. Allusion in Cicero's Narratives , David Levene 5. Cicero and the Law , Jill Harries 6. The Rhetoric of Character in the Roman Courts , Andrew Riggsby 7. Audience Expectations, Invective, and Proof , Christopher Craig 8. Cicero's Perorations , Michael Winterbottom II. Case Studies 9. Being Economical with the Truth: What Really Happened at Lampsacus (Verrines II 1) , Catherine Steel 10. Repetition and Structure in a Civil Law Speech: The Pro Caecina , Lynn Fotheringham 11. The Advocate as a Professional: The Role of the Patronus in Cicero's Pro Cluentio , Christopher Burnand 12. Literature and Persuasion in Pro Archia , Dominic Berry 13. De Domo sua: Legal Problem and Structure , Wilfried Stroh 14. The Dilemma of Cicero's Speech for Ligarius , Jeff Johnson Epilogue 15. Cicero and the Modern Advocate , John Laws
Sigle auteur: Powell & Paterson 2004