Cicero the Patriot. With separate Teacher’s Manual

Author: Williams, Rose
Title: Cicero the Patriot. With separate Teacher’s Manual
Place edition: Wauconda
Editor: Bolchazy-Carducci
Year edition: 2004
Pages: 90
Keywords: Biographie - Biografia - Biography

Rex Stem, Bryn Mawr "Classical Review", 21/05/2005

Description: [Abstract] Light-hearted in tone but faithful to the facts, this readable volume interweaves the story of Cicero’s private life with his public life and his literary output. An extensive glossary explaining customs and practices such as salutationes, along with a timeline of Cicero’s major works and the events of his life, make this book an invaluable resource. The reproducible teacher’s manual is a time-saving tool for teachers. A veteran teacher herself, Williams includes what teachers need. The suggestions and questions serve as a guide to leading students to understand Cicero as a philosopher, orator, ethicist, husband, father, citizen, soldier, and government administrator.
Author initials: Williams 2004