Cicerón en la pintura de los siglos XVII, XVIII y XIX como testimonio de la pervivencia de sus obras y las de Salustio, Plutarco y Dion Casio

Author: Martín Puente, Cristina
Title: Cicerón en la pintura de los siglos XVII, XVIII y XIX como testimonio de la pervivencia de sus obras y las de Salustio, Plutarco y Dion Casio
Review/Collection: "Ciceroniana on line", NS 5, 1
Year edition: 2021
Pages: 121-157
Keywords: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy
Description: [Martín Puente, Cristina] [Abstract] Cicero has had a great influence on writers and intellectuals of all periods. Because of his enormous importance, he also has been portrayed in sculpture, painting, manuscripts and other artistic disciplines. His imprint is enormous among Enlightenment writers and thinkers, as an intellectual and political model, and it is present in philosophical, dramatic, and other works. In this paper, his appearance in pictures of large format is developed, between the 17th and 19th centuries, which give indications of the reception of the Tusculan Disputations, De legibus, In Verrem, Catilinarians, and Pro Ligario, and, as well, of the Catilinarian Conspiracy of Sallust, of the Life of Cicero of Plutarch, and of the Roman History of Cassius Dion.
Author initials: Martín Puente 2021