Ciceroniana of the Froben Press

Auteur: Vozar, Thomas Matthew
Titre: Ciceroniana of the Froben Press
Revue/Collection: In : Scheidegger Laemmle, Cédric (ed.), Cicero in Basel, Locating Classical Reception in a Humanist City, De Gruyter, 2024, 374 p.
Lieu èdition: Berlin, Boston
Éditeur: De Gruyter
Annèe edition: 2024
Pages: 99-110
Mots-clès: Éditions - Edizioni - Editions, Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy
Description: Thomas Vozar changes our perspective as he dedicates this chapter not to a single edition but to all the works relating to Cicero that were published in a single, illustrious printing house, that of Johann and latterly Hieronymus Froben. Most prominent among these works are the editions of Cicero’s philosophica prepared by Erasmus. These document Erasmus’ sustained engagement with Cicero, and with the contemporary debates on his works, which eventually led to the publication, also by Froben, of Erasmus’ satirical dialogue Ciceronianus. As Vozar shows, the Froben Ciceroniana document particularly well the relations, and interactions, between authors, editors and printers – first among them the era-defining collaboration between Erasmus and Johann Froben, who, both foreigners and immigrants, found in Basel ideal conditions for their different endeavours. While these Ciceroniana only make up a fraction of the vast output of the press, they were particularly influential for the reception of Cicero in the later 16th century and thus contributed to Basel’s status as one of the centres of the European book trade [Scheidegger Laemmle 2024, 12].
Sigle auteur: Vozar 2024