Cicero’s attitude to mercy (using the concept of misericordia). ОТНОШЕНИЕ ЦИЦЕРОНА К СОСТРАДАНИЮ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ ПОНЯТИЯ MISERICORDIA)

Auteur: Bragova, Arina Mikhailovna
Titre: Cicero’s attitude to mercy (using the concept of misericordia). ОТНОШЕНИЕ ЦИЦЕРОНА К СОСТРАДАНИЮ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ ПОНЯТИЯ MISERICORDIA)
Revue/Collection: Scientific Notes of Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University, 6 (31)
Annèe edition: 2020
Pages: 1-5
Mots-clès: Éloquence - Eloquenza - Eloquence, Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy
Description: The article aims at the analysis of Cicero’s attitude to mercy, using the concept of misericordia. The research is based on the method of content analysis. For Cicero, compassion is grief from someone else’s undeserved misfortune, a passion that has the appearance of humanity, a useful feeling. In this definition, the influence of Greek philosophy is seen. However, Cicero does not consider, as the Greeks, compassion as a mental illness and offers its own name — an emotional excitement. For Cicero’s times and for himself, a dual attitude to mercy is characteristic: either it is a bad passion, or a manifestation of virtue (this happens more often). A special place in Cicero’s discourse on compassion is occupied by discussions about Caesar’s mercy, to which he has a positive attitude, which cannot be said about Anthony’s mercy to others or to himself: here the concept of misericordia takes on a negative meaning. Cicero speaks positively of compassion as a tool for a speaker or judicial defender. In favour of the positive semantics of the word misericordia, the concept is opposed to negative emotions and vices (crudelitas, odium), as well as its use along with virtues (virtus, fides, lenitas, humanitas, etc.). [Author] Text in russian [Russian bibliography]
Sigle auteur: Bragova 2020