Cicero’s interpretation of the Stoic notions of honestum, virtus, officium – Интерпретация Цицероном стоических понятий honestum, virtus, officium

Author: Bragova, Arina Mikhailovna
Title: Cicero’s interpretation of the Stoic notions of honestum, virtus, officium – Интерпретация Цицероном стоических понятий honestum, virtus, officium
Review/Collection: Journal of ΣΧΟΛΗ, Issue 5. 1-2.
Place edition: Novosibirsk
Year edition: 2011
Pages: 42-52
Keywords: Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy, Politique - Politica - Politics, Sources - Fonti - Sources
Description: Ci­ce­ro re­lied on the Stoic con­cep­tion of vir­tues when he in­terpre­ted the terms ho­nes­tum, vir­tus, and of­fi­cium. At the sa­me ti­me he al­so took in­to ac­count the sco­pe of the Ro­man vir­tues. As a re­sult he of­fe­red his own con­cep­tion that compri­sed both the Greek and Ro­man terms. It was an ec­lec­tic com­bi­na­tion of the Stoic theo­ry and the Ro­man tra­di­tion. The term ho­nes­tum meant for him so­cial and po­li­ti­cal ac­ti­vi­ties of a Ro­man ci­ti­zen. A vir­tue was a tool that hel­ped man feel mo­ral beau­ty in­si­de one­self. The con­cept vir­tus, being de­ri­ved from vir, was re­la­ted with for­ti­tu­de, bra­ve­ry, firmness of soul, or any po­si­ti­ve phy­si­cal or spi­ri­tual abi­li­ty. In the mo­ral mea­ning vir­tus de­sig­na­ted mo­ral beau­ty as well as so­me or all fea­tu­res of cha­rac­ter that ga­ve man an op­por­tu­ni­ty to lead a de­cent way of li­fe. Fol­lowing the Stoic and Pe­ri­pa­te­tic tra­di­tions Ci­ce­ro mar­ked out four vir­tues (cog­ni­tion, jus­ti­ce and be­ne­vo­len­ce as a who­le, mag­ni­tu­de of soul and tem­pe­ran­ce). He howe­ver con­si­de­red the se­cond vir­tue to be the most im­por­tant, whi­le the Stoics at­ta­ched im­por­tan­ce to the first vir­tue, i. e. cog­ni­tion. Ha­ving si­ded with Aris­tot­le, Ci­ce­ro at­ta­ched mo­re im­por­tan­ce to ac­ti­ve so­cial and po­li­ti­cal li­fe ra­ther than con­templa­tion. Each vir­tue for Ci­ce­ro was as­so­cia­ted with spe­cial du­ties (of­fi­cia), applied on­ly to Ro­man ci­ti­zens as op­po­sed to the Stoic vir­tues of uni­ver­sal na­tu­re [Author]. Text in russian [Russian bibliography]
Author initials: Bragova 2011