Cicero’s Orator and Horace’s Ars poetica

Auteur: Brink, Charles Oscar
Titre: Cicero’s Orator and Horace’s Ars poetica
Revue/Collection: "Ciceroniana", II, NS
Lieu èdition: Roma
Éditeur: Centro di Studi Ciceroniani
Annèe edition: 1975
Pages: 96-106
Mots-clès: Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics, Sources - Fonti - Sources, Stylistique et genres littéraires - Stilistica e generi letterari - Stylistics and literary genre
Description: [Gianluca Scatigno] [Comment] In this essay, Brink sets out to analyze two great works of Latin literature from a rhetorical point of view: the Ciceronian Orator and Horace's Ars Poetica. Through this analysis, the author intends to deal with the problem of the sources of these two works and to understand what are the ideas, the theories and the rhetorical principles that both offer.
Sigle auteur: Brink 1975