« Ciceros Reden bei den Rhetores Latini Minores »

Auteur: Riesenweber, Thomas
Titre: « Ciceros Reden bei den Rhetores Latini Minores »
Revue/Collection: In : Pieper, Christoph & Pausch, Dennis, The Scholia on Cicero’s Speeches. Contexts and Perspectives, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2023, 287 p. [Pieper & Pausch 2023]
Lieu èdition: Leiden-Boston
Éditeur: Brill
Annèe edition: 2023
Pages: 87-128
Mots-clès: Commentaires - Commenti - Commentaries, Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Philologie - Filologia - Philology, Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics
Description: Thomas Riesenweber reviews all instances of quotations or references to Cicero’s speeches in the Rhetores Latini minores. After briefly characterizing all of the treatises gathered under this name, the chapter looks at each one according to its generic affiliation. By applying a roughly chronological approach in this analysis, it shows that in the earliest handbooks Cicero’s presence is still relatively moderate, as they are mostly interested in Greek stasis theory and do not need Cicero to explain that. The intensity of his presence increases conspicuously after the mid-fourth century. The chapter connects this to the huge success of Marius Victorinus’De inventione-commentary, through which Cicero’s status as a major teacher of rhetoric was reaffirmed. As a consequence, his speeches were also scrutinized more thoroughly as the handbooks aimed to show that the orator Cicero followed his own precepts when speaking. The chapter thus offers contextualization for the fact that most corpora of scholia Ciceroniana as we know them also date to the fourth century or later. [Pieper & Pausch 2023, 17]
Liens: https://brill.com/downloadpdf/book/9789004516441/BP000005.pdf
Sigle auteur: Riesenweber 2023